A book (in English) co-authored by Eshkol Rafaeli, David Bernstein, and Jeffrey Young; translated into German, Italian, Turkish, & Polish:
Rafaeli, E. , Bernstein, D., & Young, J. (2010). Schema Therapy: Distinctive Features. London: Routledge.
An encyclopedia entry (in English) on schema therapy by Eshkol Rafaeli:
Rafaeli, E. (In press). Schema Therapy. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford, Eds., Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. NY: Springer.
An English chapter by Eshkol Rafaeli and Offer Maurer (together with Gal Lazarus and Nate Thoma):
Rafaeli, E., Maurer, O., Lazarus, G., & Thoma, N.C. (2016). The self in schema therapy. In M. Kyrios, M., R. Moulding, M. Nedeljkovic, S.S. Bhar, G. Doron, G. M. Mikulincer (Eds.), The Self in Understanding and Treating Psychological Disorders. Cambridge University Press.
An English chapter by Eshkol Rafaeli and Offer Maurer (with Nate Thoma):
Rafaeli, E., Maurer, O., & Thoma, N. (2014). Working with modes in schema therapy. In N. Thoma & D. McKay (Eds.), Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Clinical Practice. NY: Guilford. The chapter
A Hebrew article by Eshkol Rafaeli on schema therapy during the Covid-19 crisis (in a special online issue of the Hebrew Psychotherapy journal ‘Sihot’)
כולנו (וכל חלקי-העצמי שלנו) זקוקים לחסד: סכמה תרפיה בעתות משבר גלובלי. (2020). מאמר (בעברית) של אשכול בתוך גליון מקוון מיוחד של כתב העת "שיחות"